Nov 302017

ZEKA-05 ZENピクチャーズカタログDVD 危機一髪総集編 ZENピクチャーズ 総集編/BOX

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Resolution: 640×480
Duration: 3:29:19
File Type: mp4
File Size: 2444Mb


Oct 042017

The Misty Ninja Troops made great wartime contributions for their feudal lord Hyuganomori Ogasawara. But, 20 years ago, in 1610, Hyuganomori decided to exterminate the Troops in order to pledge loyalty to the then central regime. Only the wise old man and the infant ”O-ruri” have survived the extermination. O-ruri, secretly raised in Ninja training, grows to be a beautiful girl. One day, she learns the fate of the Misty Ninja Troops from the wise old man. O-ruri, determined to revenge the extermination of the Troops, advances into the Matsuyoshi Castle where Hyuganomori resides…. 1.Breathtaking battle scenes in gorgeously set-up open settings. 2.A numerous variety of gruesome torture gadgets to torment O-ruri 3.Erotic and sensuous postures of the beautifully-grown Ninja girl 4.Mean and persistent tortures by old-time enemy Hyuganomori 5.O-ruri, after bearing all tortures, goes under for lowly rampaging molestations.

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Resolution: 640×360
Duration: 1:52:41
File Type: mp4
File Size: 936Mb


Sep 292017

TMS-15 ウォーリア イン バトルゾーン 後編 コスチューム 輪姦・凌辱 調教

Horrifying experiments are conducted on the bodies of two female warriors captured in the Battle Zone!! The captor orders them fight each other, and measure their ability to fight! Not only that, the girls are brainwashed and make lesbian love to one another, and a sexual reproduction tests using convicts are…. What will become of two warriors in a pinch? It’s time to unlock the secrets of every mystery!!

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Resolution: 640×360
Duration: 1:06:43
File Type: mp4
File Size: 477Mb


Sep 292017

TMS-14 ウォーリア イン バトルゾーン 前編 ギガ その他コスチューム

In the year 2085, somewhere on Earth, a huge field zone is constructed. That is the area completely isolated from the world below; where experiments are done to the personalities of the resident convicts whose memories are manipulated. These experiments are supposed to succeed and bring radical changes to criminal penalty systems. However, a war broke out there, and two brave female warriors are sent to the Battle Zone to crush the revolting inmates. To these soldiers come various kinds of predicaments, violence and humiliation! And as the girls fight their way, the story takes an unexpected turn!

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Resolution: 640×360
Duration: 1:10:49
File Type: mp4
File Size: 506Mb
