Jul 152022

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Resolution: 1920×1080
Duration: 01:44:45
File Type: mp4
File Size: 2.30 GB


Dec 122017

JMSZ-61 ヒーロー凌辱 ~美しきガーベラ アースレンジャー完全攻略~ Costume 95分 戦隊・アニメ・ゲーム

Earth Ranger is almost devastated by Gerbera. Only three fighters, Black, Blue, and Green, in Earth Ranger still alive. The three fighters fight for justice, but Gerbera evilly attacks them. Earth Ranger receive information that a bomb was set, and Earth Green rushes to the site. “The bomb was set here! Run away!” Earth Green tries to evacuate people from the dangerous site, but a promotional model talks to Green, “You are a member of Earth Ranger, aren’t you? I’m your big fan!!” and she suddenly starts touching Green’s body. Green thinks that he has to evacuate people from there, but he can’t ignore the beautiful sexy woman. She caresses Green’s body harder and harder. Then she suddenly chokes Green’s neck with her hands. Green tries to loosen himself from her arms but her power is incredibly strong. “What a strong power…Who are you…!?” Earth Green upset. The woman shows her true color. Her true identity was Gerbera! Green was confused by his opponent Gerbera unexpectedly. He desperately tries to fight back Gerbera but his body was already corroded. Gerbera starts defeating Earth Ranger perfectly!

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Resolution: 848×480
Duration: 1:37:56
File Type: mp4
File Size: 1842Mb


Dec 072017

TSW-66 サイバー戦隊00000ジャスティオン バニーザブライト 後編 ギガ Costume 33分

Click to see big thumbnails

Resolution: 640×480
Duration: 0:33:26
File Type: mp4
File Size: 311Mb


Dec 072017

TSW-65 サイバー戦隊00000 ジャスティオン バニーザブライト 中編 輪姦・凌辱 ギガ 戦隊・アニメ・ゲーム

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Resolution: 640×480
Duration: 0:26:28
File Type: mp4
File Size: 245Mb


Oct 122017

TRK-01 ヒロイン輪姦 超電線隊スパークV編 戦隊・アニメ・ゲーム コスチューム 輪姦・凌辱

Yuki Momozono as the Spark-Pink is being active as a member of the Super Electric Force named the Spark V. While she is fighting against a powerful enemy, she is damaged so seriously. But she can beat the enemy with her deadly blow and leaves for home. During the fight, from the somewhere behind of the Pink, there was a person who’s watching the Pink while her mask was being broken by attacks of the enemy’s monster. That is a stalker of a passionate fun of the Spark-Pink. The face of the Pink with the broken mask that the stalker saw is exactly same face of a lovely girl with a pink one-peace dress, who rescued him when he was picked a quarrel with some punks before. The stalker follows the damaged Pink and witnesses Yuki taken away with a suspicious car. After the stalker goes home, he imagines how Yuki is treated after that and indulges to play himself. ”I wish that I could have such a strong cute girl for my own~”, that how the stalker thinks, and while he is casually watching on the Internet, he finds an underground site named ”The Raping Club.” Yuki Momozono as the Spark-Pink, who has been targeted, is entrapped by the raping group and fallen into unimaginable fearful gang raping. Well, how far is the Super Heroine Spark-Pink fallen down by them…

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Resolution: 640×360
Duration: 1:33:31
File Type: mp4
File Size: 779Mb


Sep 302017

TMS-27 アトミックレディ 2007/10/26 戦隊・アニメ・ゲーム 凌辱

Chisa Fujino, a member of the earth protection forces, was fighting for Dorion, a three -headed big evil monster. Yes, she is a huge heroine, Atomic Lady! Chisa, now who has transformed herself to become huge, sweeps away Dorion with a tremendous power. Now Dorion shows up again. Atomic Lady transforms herself and goes for fighting. However, the opponent pursue the job of searching for the weak points of Atomic Lady, and at last her weak point, the atomic timer on the chest, is discovered. Chisa Fujino is captured by two Unitians when her weak points are attacked and her transformation is undone… She is taken into their hideout, hung and tortured, and tortured with an electric massager… At that point, Unitians, who are in other places, come to the scene, and the situation becomes worse. However, the searching ability of the earth protection forces are devastating, and Chisa barely escapes from the pinch. And the battle with Dorion starts again. Atomic Lady emits the special Atomic Flash! However, the Unitians, who has got the medicine to change the atomic energy into their power, transforms themselves from a beast into a big snake which has a huge chin!? Atomic Lady is in a severe pinch after she gets the bite with the big jaws, binding with the tongue… Can the peace falls upon on earth…?

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Resolution: 640×360
Duration: 1:07:37
File Type: mp4
File Size: 484Mb


Sep 292017

TMS-15 ウォーリア イン バトルゾーン 後編 コスチューム 輪姦・凌辱 調教

Horrifying experiments are conducted on the bodies of two female warriors captured in the Battle Zone!! The captor orders them fight each other, and measure their ability to fight! Not only that, the girls are brainwashed and make lesbian love to one another, and a sexual reproduction tests using convicts are…. What will become of two warriors in a pinch? It’s time to unlock the secrets of every mystery!!

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Resolution: 640×360
Duration: 1:06:43
File Type: mp4
File Size: 477Mb
